"It's nice that OpenRecipe has a free plan. I want to have the tools to cook for myself and eat well, and a lot of other options are either paid or are awful to use."

"OpenRecipe feels like the earlier days of the internet when things were less corporate, more weird, and way more fun."

"I'm excited to learn with OpenRecipe. Getting started is overwhelming. It's nice they help you progressively develop both your kitchen and technique."

"OpenRecipe has replaced my bookmarks folder, a countertop binder, and at least six apps on my phone."

"I love that OpenRecipe is so easy to use."

"It's important to support businesses that don't just focus on profit and try to make the world better. OpenRecipe does that."

"OpenRecipe honestly just makes cooking way easier and way more fun."

"Thanks to OpenRecipe, I regained 6 months of my life from the onslaught of nonsense on cooking blogs!"

"Personally, I like OpenRecipe because I find Chef incredibly sexy."

"It's not totally clear but I think that as my apprenticeship advances I will find that not only is Chef the personal chef to the Rothschilds but also a 33rd degree Mason as well as Overseer of the Illuminati."